Our Story old
Linked to a page with a monochromatic layout-photo of jules and landscape photo of wildflowers from her garden sliding across header along with umbrella photos in the process of being made. Under sliding photos: put in lorem ipsum text for now but we will have a paragraph telling the hazy sunshine story.
Our Special Fabrics (go with this for now) or What Sets Us Apart -havent decided but could also be Our Lamination Process
Linked to a page with sliding images of the fabrics with the lamination diff umbrellas and landscape photos: paragraph under describing why our products last, they are high quality made in the usa outdoor fabrics that are meant to withstand weather. However, we take it one step further and our umbrellas go through a specialized lamination process to protect against sun damage prevent mold and allow you to enjoy our handmade umbrellas for more than just one season—-you get the gist i’m working on text content-use Lorem Ipsum for now if needed.